A short and professional bio has great importance nowadays. Most people get the problem of information fatigue. No one has much time to read a lengthy document about you. It is really annoying to know that there are still many of us who are unaware of how to create our biography like a pro. Don’t worry we’ll guide you on how to write impressive biography in simple steps. Just follow the instructions step by step to Create Your Bio Like A Pro.
Experts such as Matthew Levy said that writing your bio is the most important document that you ever create. A bio is advantageous for a variety of reasons such as publishing an article or applying for a job.
You should also have a professional bio for guest blog posts and general networking. Bio is a good vehicle to communicate quickly about yourself like what you do and who you are.
Writing a professional bio is a smart and technical task. Follow the best and simpler steps that are given below to create a proud personal bio. Here is the list of 7 steps that will help you create your bio like a pro.
1. Identify The Purpose Of Your Bio
You should know the purpose of your bio and who is going to read it. Understand your audience or readers that what type of image you want to create for yourself in their mind. People who want to get the work of freelancers takes ideas from professional bios.
If you want to write a bio for your friends then you may add jokes and make it like a comedy bio. But if you want to write a professional bio then you should keep in mind your audience.
2. Perspective Of Third Person
Your bio should be written objectively. It’s up to you to write anything in your bio but it should be valid. Use your name instead of using ‘I’ in the sentence like you have to write Harry can speak four languages instead of writing I can speak four languages.
3. Length Of Bio
You will require a micro, long or short bio for various purposes. Lengths of your bio can vary. It is suggested to keep different versions of your bio like three or four versions because you can be requested to share bio from a different audience.
Micro bio refers to a sentence that you can use on the profile of your Twitter as an elevator pitch. A short bio is composed of one paragraph and it covers the information that readers are going to know about you. Longer bio provides a detailed summary of you.
It covers all the important information that you want to deliver. A short bio should not exceed a hundred words and a long bio can cover one or up to two pages.
4. Start With Writing Your Name
You have to show your name in the top or first sentence of the bio so the reader can easily know your name and catch the remaining information. Move on and share the important information about you.
5. Write Information About Your Business
Write about your accomplishments and occupation. It’s not much different from a resume. The readers will keep in mind your business and then they keep reading.
For example, if you are a salesperson in the open market and you have enhanced sales up to 200% then it seems excellent for a sales manager.
6. Reveal Your Uniqueness
You can add a good flavor to your bio by adding unexpected and unique things about you. It can be any curious information or humor of the reader’s interest.
7. Details Of Contact
You have to finish your bio by providing the details of your contact. It’s better to provide a hyperlink of approaching you like a LinkedIn profile or email address.
There are a lot of other things that help you while writing a perfect biography but these are some of the best biography writing techniques that we have discussed with you here. If you like our post then do let us know through your feedback. We are always here to help you with such amazing content.