When you post status after status on your Facebook business page, with no likes or comments do you feel like you’re in a deserted town with crickets chirping? Even with over 500 fans on your page, it can be oh so quiet, empty and lonely there. You know all of those people exist. You can see the number count right on your page, but they never appear, hidden like ghosts in the night or trapped in some time dimension.
Even though you’re not getting the results you want from your business page and may feel it is discouraging and pointless to maintain, it is a very important tool for marketing your business or blog. The key is to be consistent there, and don’t let the noisy crickets get to you. Here are some suggestions to squish those crickets.
1. Set a Schedule:
Try to post a certain number of times per day. Some studies show 2 times a day is best. However, what is more important is to post at the right time. (Other than over posting and driving your fans to unfollow you!) It’s very easy to see when your followers are on Facebook with their analytics.
Simply click on Insights and Posts. You will see a chart of when your followers are on line for each day. According to the chart, break up the times of day you post, and test which times of day get a better response.
2. Try Themes:
Apply themes to your daily posts that are relevant to who you are, and that you think might appeal to your audience. For example, “Recipe Sharing Sundays”, “Tell the Truth Tuesdays” Why I Blog Wednesdays”. Take a look at your writing themes, business model and products, and see what entertaining and informing theme days you can create.
3. Be Informative:
Everyone likes a resource of information. You make an impression when you provide knowledge, expertise and help. A good rule to follow is the 60/40/20 rule.
60% of your posts – Informational, sharing knowledge and expertise
40% of your posts – Sharing your followers posts and commenting
20% of your posts – Self promotional
Create ways to offer tips and ideas through your posts. One way that many people do this is a daily tip, such as HIT Virtual’s daily marketing tip. If you’re an author, you might share a “Thought of the Day.” A motivational speaker could share a “Daily Motivational.” You get the idea. Note: Be sure and include a high quality graphic with your posts.
4. Be Entertaining:
Try not to overdo the seriousness of your business, blog or product. You have to be professional, but also be a real person with all of the other real people on Facebook. I like to say, “It IS SOCIAL.” You’ll also find that you enjoy yourself more, and will spend more time there at your marketing if you do.
5. Ask Questions:
Give people a reason to “talk” to you! Finish the post with a question and then ask that they reply in the comments. How many times have you read a post, shook your head and even said out loud, “Yeah! That’s right.” But then you never typed a reply. Encourage people to reply to you and then acknowledge them.
These are just a few ways to stop the crickets on your Facebook business page. What ideas have you found that work?
Author Bio. :- Arun Som is a Marketing Manager at Hopinfirst – a Social Media Optimization Company. He enjoys reading and writing articles whenever she gets time from his work.