Google is undergoing a big change at the moment. This change has been in progress. They are changing the way that Google works, and it is their biggest change since introducing the caffeine index (the index that gets you results in a fraction of a second).
This means that things such as keyword priority and keyword density are no longer nearly as important as it was. They have even decommissioned the Google keywords tool. Here are some Google search engine-friendly guidelines that are applicable in this new Hummingbird world.
1. Work for the viewer and not the search engines :
This is a very simple premise that so many of your competitors are simply not going to be able to grasp. Instead of thinking about SEO and other search engine-related matters, put the user first. This is what Google wants and it will help you rise up through the search engine results pages.
2. Hummingbird says that keywords are not the driving force :
Keyword placement, choice, and density used to be a big deal, but now they do not have the importance that they did. Google is using figures to guess what your website is all about, so keywords are no longer important and you should not pay them as much mind.
3. Duplicate content should be avoided by using images instead :
Many websites need some sort of duplicate content. It is unfair of search engines to not allow it, but Google figures that it is okay if you put the text in an image file where its search bots cannot read it. This will make it so that you may put duplicate content wherever you like.
4. Backlinks should be relevant :
Backlinks also used to be a big deal and they are not anymore. However, you do still need them, so make sure that they are relevant. If the target consumer of one site is the same as yours, then a link from that site is going to be a relevant and useable one.
5. Integrate social media into your SEO campaign :
This means setting up Facebook fan pages and getting yourself on Pinterest and others such social media networks. You need to integrate social media into your search engine campaign and stimulate a little activity on the associated social media networks and Tagline For Digital Marketing.
6. Tight code is better than poorly written code :
This means creating HTML code that is well written. You have to get from point A to point B with as little code as possible. Learn the new HTML protocols to find newer ways of doing this, especially if you are using the old system for adding videos to your website.
7. Keep your code clean :
This means keeping your web page to HTML. Any other code that needs to be added should be set as an external resource and called to from the HTML on the web page. This will allow the search engine indexing bots to easily read your website, thereby making it more search engine friendly.
8. Call for your CSS near the top :
As an external resource, you should really call for it near the top of your web page. It means that your website will render and load a little quicker, as it allows the website to start loading right away instead of the browser having to load all of the other HTML first.
9. Do not fill pages with thin content :
Thin content is content that is a waste of time reading. It is usually filled with fluff and very little usable content. For example, if this content were thin then it may say to fill out your Meta tags, join Facebook and work on your keywords, and that would be it.
10. How useful your content is will determine your rank :
Google likes the idea that content is useful. The more useful your content is, then the more search engine friendly it will eventually become. It takes a while because Google takes a long time in deciding what is good and what is not.
11. Put yourself on Google+ and YouTube especially :
Google is not subtle in announcing its own self-interest, and it puts sites associated with Google+, Google+ authorship, and YouTube in more prominent positions than those without any of their social media integration.
12. Sign up for the authorship program :
This means that you should sign up so that when you post on other websites then your posts are related to your authorship program as well as your website. You should also set it up on your website so that others with an authorship status may show it on your website or blog.
13. Have a blog and link to your website :
A blog is technically more search engine friendly than a website because a blog has more factors that count in its favor, such as tagged keyword clouds and a steady stream of new written content. You may find it easier to rank up your blog, and so may as well take advantage of links from it.
14. Never use spinning software :
This is software that is used to fool search engines and plagiarism tools. But, Google is getting better at spotting it, and it never offers any use because it is terribly written (every time), so just avoid it at all costs.
15. Submit your XML map to the Google webmaster tools section :
The Google webmaster tools will walk you through it. It simply allows the search engine to get a better look at what you have added to your website and shows the search engine where it should look in order to index your website and its pages.