Top 7 Ways to Increase Amazon Sales in 2021

Increase Amazon Sales

eCommerce will thrive like never before in 2021. Amazon is the largest marketplace. This is a great opportunity to increase your sales if you are an Amazon seller. These seven strategies will help you increase your online sales and expand your eCommerce business.

Increase Amazon Sales

1. Optimize your Product Listings

You want customers to find your products and convert more often, so make sure your product details pages are fully utilized. If they don’t know what the product is or how it works, nobody wants to purchase it.

Listings of products need to include detailed descriptions, bullet points, and keywords that are relevant to the product.

Images that allow shoppers to visualize the experience of owning the product are also important. This includes product photos, lifestyle imagery, and key information. For a better shopping experience, video can be used on product listings. It has been shown to decrease return rates.

2. Get tons of reviews 

What could be better than hearing from other customers about the quality of your products? Testimony from other shoppers. This is true: consumers trust user-generated content more than brands. So the more positive reviews and ratings you get on your product, then the more sales you will generate.

Amazon sellers sometimes avoid asking for reviews due to concerns about Amazon policies and not wanting their accounts to be suspended. While they are right to avoid violating the policies, that shouldn’t stop them from soliciting reviews. You constantly ask for reviews.

Amazon’s Request Review tool in Seller Central is available. Or you can use a free amazon review request tool such as SellerApp to get more control and automation.

3. Win the Buy Box

For increasing your sales on Amazon, make sure you are winning as many Buy Box as possible. The Buy Box is an area on the Amazon app or website where shoppers will click to purchase. This click may not be obvious to the shopper, but it is an option to purchase from a specific seller.

4. Invest in Advertising

Advertising is a good investment if your listings are optimized and winning the Buy Box. Your products might not be noticed by your customers because the market is saturated.

Sponsored Product is the best place to start. This is a pay-per-click (PPC) ad. Sponsored products are a way to make sure that your product appears at the top of relevant searches. A well-structured advertising campaign that allows smart bidding for keywords that perform well is key to Sponsored Product success.

5. Take Advantage Of Brand Registry

If you are a brand owner, your sales and listings are in good shape, but you want to grow faster than that, you should take advantage of Amazon’s Brand Registry. If you are already selling on Amazon, registration as a brand provides some protection for your brand and access to exclusive programs.

Start by using the free programs to increase your brand’s presence on Amazon. After Brand Registration, every brand should have an Amazon Store. This allows you to create a shopping experience that reflects your brand’s look and style, as well as help customers, navigate the options in your catalog.

You may also be interested in Amazon’s social-shopping options Amazon Live, and Amazon Posts. These programs are free and allow you to create a rich, media-rich experience for your customers through Amazon.

6. Be strategic about conquering the competition

Amazon is likely to increase your sales by taking away sales from your competitors. There are many ways to be strategic in capturing your competition. You can identify who you’re up against so that you can target accordingly.

Do your research on your competitors. Sellers will often do this manually, going on Amazon Marketplace as if they were shoppers and looking for similar products to theirs.

You can also download the Search Term Report via the Amazon Ad Console to find out which ASINs are driving sales for your products. Flywheel 2.0 will integrate competitive Intelligence capabilities directly into Flywheel 2.0, making research much quicker and more efficient.

7. Keep your inventory in order to never miss a sale

Amazon’s inventory management has become more complicated. Amazon relies on the Inventory Performance Index to set FBA limits. Sellers need full transparency about how their inventory is changing. 

Many sellers also realized that they cannot rely on their inventory to move as planned after Amazon deprioritized many products last spring to address immediate pandemic crises.

It is crucial to avoid stocking out if your goal is to increase sales. You can’t sell more products if there aren’t any products to sell. It’s equally important to not pay fees for stale products that are sitting in warehouses.